The following information is the output of the alt1.helpFull() function.

Void identifyApp(String jsonstr)
Use this function to tell Alt1 about this app, it will update a set of safe app preferences if the app is installed, or show a button for the user to install the app if the app isn't installed yet.
This function requires a json encoded string of an object containing information about the app. Check the examples for more information.

Void identifyAppUrl(String url)
Tells Alt1 to fetch identification information from the given url. The file should contain a json encoded object to be passed to the identifyApp function.

Boolean openBrowser(String url)
Opens the specified link in the default browser.

Void clearTooltip()
Removes the tooltip.
[Installed] permission required.

Void clearBinds()
Cleans up all tasks for this app on Alt1, it stops pixel event listeners and removes possible cursor tooltips.
[Installed] permission required.

Boolean deleteStream(String callback)
Stops a pixel event listener.
[Installed] permission required.

Boolean openPopup(String address, Int32 width, Int32 height)
[depricated, use instead][Experimental] Opens a seprate popup window with the specified size and url. This window is not linked to it parent window like normal js popups, which means you will have to communicate with it through localStorage. There is an extensive wrapper function that handles communication in the library.
[Installed] permission required.

Boolean setTooltip(String tooltip)
Sets a tooltip with specified text that chases the cursor. It can be removed by calling this function again with an empty string or using the clearTooltip function.
[Overlay] permission required.

Boolean overLayRect(Int32 color, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 w, Int32 h, Int32 time, Int32 lineWidth)
Overlays a rectangle on the screen. Color is a 8bpp rgba int which can be created using the mixcolor function in the library. Time is in milliseconds.
[Overlay] permission required.

Boolean overLayText(String str, Int32 color, Int32 size, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 time)
Overlays some text on the screen. Color is a 8bpp rgba int which can be created using the mixcolor function in the library. Time is in milliseconds.
[Overlay] permission required.

Boolean overLayLine(Int32 color, Int32 width, Int32 x1, Int32 y1, Int32 x2, Int32 y2, Int32 time)
Overlays a line on the screen. Color is a 8bpp rgba int which can be created using the mixcolor function in the library. Time is in milliseconds.
[Overlay] permission required.

Void overLayClearGroup(String group)
Removes all overlay with given group name from screen. You can give overlays a group by calling the overlaySetGroup function before drawing
[Overlay] permission required.

Void overLaySetGroup(String group)
Set the group name of all following draw overlay calls untill called again with a different name. Groups can be used remove overlays again.
[Overlay] permission required.

Boolean xpRiseListener(String callback)
Calling this function will make Alt1 start looking for xp rises on the screen. The callback function will be called with the detected xp string whenever a xp rise is found. The function has to be accessible in the global scope with the specified callback string.
[Gamestate] permission required.

Boolean xpCounterListener(String callback)
Calling this function will make Alt1 start looking for the xp counters on the screen. The callback function will be called periodically with an object containing information about the xp counters.
[Gamestate] permission required.

Boolean resetAreaListeners()
Resets the cached position of interfaces in rs. Call this function if the user moves his interfaces around and the positions are no longer valid. This is also automatically called internally when the rs window is resized.
[Gamestate] permission required.

Boolean interfaceFound(String interfaceName)
Gets whether the location of the specified interface is known
[Gamestate] permission required.

Boolean interfaceSearching(String interfaceName)
Gets whether alt1 is currently searching the interface in the client.
[Gamestate] permission required.

Boolean FindInterface(String interfaceName)
Will search the game pixels for an interface, a interfacefound or interfacenotfound event will fire when it is complete. Returns if alt1 is searching the interface after the call.
[Gamestate] permission required.

String ReadInterface(String interfaceName, String data)
Reads the interface of the screen if it has been found and returns a json object describing the interface state. Optional data argument to pass to the reading function. Call Searchinterface first. returns 'null' on fail.
[Gamestate] permission required.

Int32 readInterfaceStart(String interfaceName, String data)
Starts reading an interface of the screen. The event will be called with the interface data when finished. A request id is returned that will also be included in the event data.
[Gamestate] permission required.

String getRegion(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 w, Int32 h)
[Internal, use alt1lib] Returns a string containing pixel data about the specified region inside the rs window. The string is base64 encoded 8bpp argb buffer of the requested image.
[Pixel] permission required.

Boolean streamRegion(String callback, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 w, Int32 h)
[depricated, periodically call getRegion instead]
[Pixel] permission required.

Int32 bindRegion(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 w, Int32 h)
[Internal, use alt1lib] Binds a region of the rs window in memory to apply functions to it without having to transfer it to the browser. This function returns a identifier to be used in subsequent 'bind-' calls. This id is currently always 1 as only one bound image is allowed.
[Pixel] permission required.

Int32 bindScreenRegion(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 w, Int32 h)
[Internal, use alt1lib] Same as bindRegion, but uses screen coordinates and can see pixels outside of rs. This method is much slower per call.
[Pixel] permission required.

String bindGetRegion(Int32 id, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 w, Int32 h)
[Internal, use alt1lib] Returns a rubregion of the bound image as base64 encoded 8bpp abgr buffer.
[Pixel] permission required.

String bindReadString(Int32 id, String fontname, Int32 x, Int32 y)
Tries to read a antialised string on the bound image, with the given font. The color of text will be detected and chosen from a set of preset colors. Valid font names are currently 'chat','chatmono' and 'xpcounter'. This function returns an empty string on failure.
[Pixel] permission required.

String bindReadColorString(Int32 id, String fontname, Int32 color, Int32 x, Int32 y)
Same as bindReadString, however requires an extra color argument. The color is a 8bpp rgba color int that can be mixed with the a1lib.mixcolor function. The should be the base color, or brightest color in the to be detected text.
[Pixel] permission required.

String bindReadStringEx(Int32 id, Int32 x, Int32 y, String args)
Same as bindReadString, however allows extra arguments in an object. Possible arguments and default values:
bool allowgap=false - scan empty space for more text after reading text
string fontname=chatfont - the font to detect
int[] colors=[~20 standard colors] - array of color ints to detect
[Pixel] permission required.

Boolean addOCRFont(String name, String jsonFont)
[Incomplete] Adds a font for ocr, this font can be used in the bindReadString functions. The jsonfont can be generated from an image using a generator, please contant me if you plan to use this.
[Pixel] permission required.

String test(String data)
No info available about this method.

String bindReadRightClickString(Int32 id, Int32 x, Int32 y)
Reads rightlcick menu text, this function is very fragile and is different from the other readText functions. It requires an exact baseline y coord.
[Pixel] permission required.

Int32 bindGetPixel(Int32 id, Int32 x, Int32 y)
Retrieves a single pixel from the bound image, this is not a required method as it is very slow
[Pixel] permission required.

String bindFindSubImg(Int32 id, String imgstr, Int32 imgwidth, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 w, Int32 h)
[Internal, use alt1lib] Finds the given subimage in the bound image. This function is way quicker than possible in js. imgstr is a base64 encoded 8bpp bgra image buffer. imgwidth is the width of the image, this is required to decode the image. x,y,w,h defines the area in the bound image to be searched.
[Pixel] permission required.

String Help()
Need help about help?

String helpProp(String propname)
This function returns information about a single property with the given name.

String helpFull()
Returns a html document with documentation about every function and property exposed.

String helpIntelliSense()
Returns a file that can be used to add the alt1 api to Visual Studio IntelliSense

String ToString()
No info available about this method.

Boolean Equals(Object obj)
No info available about this method.

Int32 GetHashCode()
No info available about this method.

Type GetType()
No info available about this method.

Int32 screenX
Gets the left bound of all screens, usually 0, but can be negative with multiple screens.

Int32 screenY
Gets the Top bound of all screens, usually 0, but can be negative with multiple screens.

Int32 screenWidth
Gets the width of the union of all srceens.

Int32 screenHeight
Gets the height of the union of all srceens.

String version
Gets a string represention of the current version of Alt1.

Int32 versionint
Gets a integer that represents the current version. (major * 1000 * 1000 + minor * 1000 + build) 1.2.3 -> 1002003.

Int32 maxtransfer
Gets the maximum amount of bytes that can be transfered in a single function call. The wrapper library uses this to split up large image transfers.

String skinName
Gets the name of the current skin.

Boolean compatEnabled
Gets whether desktop capture is being used instead of directX capture.

Int32 captureInterval
Gets the adviced minimum time between screen captures

Int32 mousePosition
Gets the position of the mouse is it is inside the runescape client, use a1lib.mousePosition() for an object with {x,y}. (x=r>>16, y=r&0xFFFF)
[Gamestate] permission required.

Int32 rsX
Gets the X-coord of the runescape client area when rs is linked. Use rsLinked to determine if rs is linked.

Int32 rsY
Gets the Y-coord of the runescape client area when rs is linked. Use rsLinked to determine if rs is linked.

Int32 rsWidth
Gets the width of the runescape client area when rs is linked. Use rsLinked to determine if rs is linked.

Int32 rsHeight
Gets the height of the runescape client area when rs is linked. Use rsLinked to determine if rs is linked.

Single rsScaling
Gets the DPI scaling level of the rs window in windows 8.1 or 10, returns 0 when the rs window is not linked.

Boolean rsLinked
Gets if the runescape window is currently detected by Alt1.

Boolean permissionInstalled
Gets if the current page is handled as an installed app.

Boolean permissionGameState
Gets is the current page has gamestate permission.

Boolean permissionOverlay
Gets is the current page has overlay permission.

Boolean permissionPixel
Gets is the current page has pixel permission

String openInfo
Gets information about how the app was opened, this includes the recognised text and regex matches if opened by pressing alt+1.
[Installed] permission required.

Int64 rsLastActive
Gets the time in milliseconds since the last click in the runescape window.
[Gamestate] permission required.

Boolean xpCounterFound
[Depricated] Use alt1.interfaceFound('xpcounter') instead. Gets whether the positions of the xp counter has been found
[Gamestate] permission required.