Alt1 guide
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Alt1 guide

Alt1 help

Alt1 has a huge list of features, this page will introduce you to how it works and the built-in features. There will also be similar guides about the different apps that are included.


App guides

Other pages

Getting started

Clicking the toolbar.

Alt1 will show a tool bar on the rs client with several of the built in features and your most used apps. You can open the app menu by clicking on the Alt1 Toolkit text.

Alt1 will stay in your system tray (bottom right or your screen) when you don't have Runescape open. You can still use the screenshot and multitasking features. Alt1 will release all resources when it's not active so you don't have to worry about leaving it open in the system tray.

The icon might be hidden under the submenu on the system tray, you can drag it onto the system tray to make sure it always shows.

The app window

Alt1 app windows are designed to fit into the Runescape client. They always stay above the Runescape client and chase it's position. You can turn this behaviour off by clicking the spanner on the top right and toggling the "Pin to RS" checkbox. You will also find a checkbox called "Address bar", all apps are really just web pages and this checkbox will toggle the address bar. You will also find some permission checkboxes here, more on that later.

You can move the window by dragging the small move panel on the top right next to the other buttons and you can resize it by its borders as expected.

The minimize button will hide most of the window and leave behind its caption bar. You can click the restore button on there to restore the window.

Right-clicking the minimize button will minimize the window until you move your mouse away, this is useful if the window is covering a menu in Runescape
Right-clicking the spanner will show the developer console.

Pressing alt+1

Press alt+1 to open stats.

Whenever you press the hotkey alt1+1 on your keyboard, Alt1 will try to read whatever text is under your cursor. It check if any apps should open and send the text to already open apps so they can respond.

Some examples of what right-clicks texts will work:
  • All matched activator phrases will open the corresponding app.
  • Right-clicking a player will open the selected player lookup handler app
    • Message [player]
    • Quick Message [player]
    • Trail [player]
    • Join [player]
    • Edit Note [player]
    • Delete [player]
    • Walk here [player]
    • Follow [player]
    • Trade with [player]
  • Will also work without right-click in some cases
    • [player] has logged in/out
    • [player] wishes to trade with you
  • Right-clicking anything with an examine option will open the selected object lookup handler app
    • Examine [object/npc/item/player]
  • Alt1 links in chat
    • i/[imgcode] - Will open the image in your default browser.
    • p/[player] - Will open the player profile of the player in your default browser.
  • World achievement messages
    • [player] has achieved/awarded/unlocked/received ...
    • [player] has just died in hardcore ironman mode ...

Image sharing (Alt+2)

You can share images by pressing alt+2, this will freeze your screen and allow you to select an area to upload as an image. When the image is uploaded, the image code will be shown and a direct link to the image will be pasted to your clipboard. You can share alt1 images directly in-game to other Alt1 users by typing out the image code (for example i/abc). Other Alt1 users can hover their mouse over this text and press alt+1 to open the image in their browser

Manipulating windows layout (Alt+3)

Window options

You can press alt+3 to show settings for the current active window, this can be any window outside of Alt1. A window will pop up with options for the current active window, you can change the border and make the window stick on top of all other window with the topmost checkbox.

You can also embed the window in alt1, doing this will show the Runescape style border around the window and make it behave the same as other alt1 windows.

The thumbnail feature allows you to create a moving thumbnail of the selected window or a part of the window. This way you can watch a movie and still see Runescape in a small corner of it. Right-clicking the thumbnail window will show a set of options for the thumbnail, including the option to pin the thumbnail to any other window.


All apps will remember where you left them the last time you closed them. You can also save and load these positions with the preset option, this is useful for when you have different configurations by, for example, playing on different sized screens. You can access the preset options under settings -> window settings.


Webpages shown in the browser will behave the exact same and have the same permissions as in normal browsers. When you bookmark a page and check the "run as app" checkbox, the page will have access to some information about alt1 and get notified with the detected text when you press alt+1. You can give apps move special permissions as well, these permissions are store per domain, so all apps of the same domain will have the same permissions.
These permissions are:

  • Screen pixels - This allows apps to see your anything on your screen.
  • Game state - This allows the app to request information about the game, such as the xp counters, chat and hitpoint. The app won't be able to see the screen.
  • Overlay - This option allows apps to draw simple figures on an overlay on your screen. It also allows apps to show a notification by your cursor.


You can change the settings of your bookmarks/apps here

You can access the settings by clicking cog icon on the alt1 toolbar or by clicking the tray icon and selecting settings.

The first tab will show a list of bookmarks, you can change their settings and permissions here.

The "capture" tab allows you to change how Alt1 captures your screen. This tab has a troubleshooter for capture problems

The "window settings" tab allows you to toggle snapping to visual edges on your screen and you can set turn off window pinning completely. You can also manage your presets on this tab.

The "other" tab will show the current versions of alt1 and the embedded browser. You will also find the the "run on startup" checkbox here. This is also where you open the advanced settings.

The "images" tab allows you to change settings for the screenshots uploading service. You can choose to save a local copy for every uploaded image.

You will also find a hotkeys tab where you can change the hotkeys.

The "draw debug data" checkbox under advanced settings will make Alt1 draw information about the pixel grabbing and character recognition on the screen. This allows you to see exactly what is happening behind the scenes, however it might stop some apps from working correctly as the overlay can hide parts of the screen.

For developers

Alt1 is designed to allow other developers to create apps as well without limitations. All apps are simply web pages, so to create an app you'll need knowledge of html and javascript. Check this forum thread for more information and where to get started.

Alt1 is programmed with as little as possible hardcoded references to Runeapps, this means that apps from different publishers have the same capabilities.

I would be happy to feature other apps on the app list or even add them to alt1 by default. You can contact me on the forums or simply in-game (rsn:Skillbert).