#1 2020-04-02 08:24:21

Registered: 2019-03-20
Posts: 59

Archaeology - Material Tracker

Install Link

This app is feature complete.  The only updates I will be able to do (when I have time) are bugfixes!  Sorry!

All information will be updated on the Github page

Update - 6/15/21

Good news!  I've updated this app to use the new Chatbox code! Now it will be usable with any font size! 

NOTE:  If you change your chat font size, you will need to refresh the app to have it detect the new size!

Last edited by ZeroGwafa (2021-06-15 05:25:00)


#2 2020-04-08 01:18:56

Registered: 2019-03-20
Posts: 59

Re: Archaeology - Material Tracker

I've updated this several times.  Here are a list of features added since the initial release:

UI redesign

This will allow you to set a number of materials to gather.  When your qty is equal to or greater than the goal column, the row will highlight in green.

Artifact calculator

Allows you to input a number of each type of artifact, and it will set your goals column to the amount needed for each material.

Chat Selector

The app will identify all visible chat windows when it opens.  Changing the "Select Chat" option will allow you to target a specific chat window.  When selecting a different chat, there will be a white box on the selected chat window.

Update 4/20

UI Changes
- Added some styling to the column headers to make them more visually pleasing.

Artifact Counter
- Added Restore XP field.  This will show the amount of XP to be gained when restoring the artifacts the user has input.

- Added code to support above feature.
- Using the "Clear" button now reloads the page as well.

- Added ID to each material (that I should of had in the first place.
- Users will have to use Factory Reset (in Settings) to have sorting work properly.
- Updated the checkSaveMats function, since we don't need to inject "goal" into each material.

- Re-wrote the chat parsing code.  Materials gained *should* be more accurate, sans a few edge cases.
- Updated console log output to have a bit more detail.  To be used in troubleshooting.
- Changed the text-selection code to be more useful in Edit Mode.  Now when the user clicks a qty or goal cell, it won't try to select all text on the app.
- Updated the Sorting code.  User can now sort Mats by:
  - Default - Default Level order.
  - Mat Storage - Lists Mats in the same order as the Material Storage information option on the Archaeology journal.
  - Name - By name, Ascending.
  - Qty - By Qty tracked, Descending.
  - Goal - By Goals set, Descending.
- Sort function moved from the Tracker's Headers, to a dropdown menu in the Settings pop-up.
- Removed a line of code that could break the Artifact Calculator's "Complete All" button in some cases.

All files
- Using Prettier for code tidying.

Update 4/22

- Removed sort class from elements, as it is no longer needed.

- Removed border-collapse, as it's useless.
- Added slight margin to Mats header to line the border up with the rest of the "table"
- Increased size of "hide" checkbox.  Added margin to better center it.
- Added CSS for new popover boxes.

- Updated Restore XP output to comma separation for increased readability.
- Updated calcMats to save calculated mats to a temp variable, then properly processed upon clicking Import.
  - This corrects an issue where entering values into the calculator can sometimes not highlight rows properly on the main app.
- Updated mouse-over information to Popover
  - This will be more consistent to display information about each artifact.

- Removed unneeded colors from the chat reader, left over from the Component Counter port.
- Updated Chat parser again.
  - Should more accurate when receiving multiple chat messages at the same time (Material gained + porter + auto-screener).
  - Will now check if auto-screener is triggered with a porter, and properly count the mat once instead of multiple times.
- Updated Mouse-hover information to Popovers
  - This will be more consistent to display information about each material.
- Updated Warning messages for when no rows are displayed for filter and/or goals enabled.
- Removed window reload of resize, as it is no longer needed.

Update 4/26

- Corrected an issue where if using my Invention ComponentCounter, it would interfere with the save data for this app.
  - You will probably need to factory reset once more (Hopefully the last time) to ensure everything is set up properly.
- Changed the Material popover functionality.
  - It will now trigger when you click the material name.
  - The popup will close when you click anywhere else.
- Updated Factory Reset to only clear values for the ArchMatCounter. (Sorry if this removed your Invention Component App data!)

Update 4/27

- Added waterfiend proc to tracker.
- Changed ArchCalc popovers to match parity with the mats popover functionality.

Update 10/19

- Added New mats and artifacts from Orthen site.
- You will need to do a Factory Reset on the app in order for the new mats to be listed.  Sorry!

Last edited by ZeroGwafa (2020-10-20 00:58:45)


#3 2020-04-09 04:54:26

of Disguise
From: United States
Registered: 2020-04-08
Posts: 2

Re: Archaeology - Material Tracker

Used it for a bit, and absolutely love the tracker side of it.

Just kind of wishing there was a calculator to automate the goals. I don’t know if you’ll feel like doing all of that, but alas, everything ran smooth and flawlessly. Appreciate this greatly.


#4 2020-04-09 05:02:49

Registered: 2019-03-20
Posts: 59

Re: Archaeology - Material Tracker

There is a calculator.  If you open the menu, it's the "ArtifactCalc" button.


#5 2020-04-09 18:00:12

Registered: 2020-04-05
Posts: 8

Re: Archaeology - Material Tracker


Been using this add on for a few days now and love it so far!

A few things I've noticed, unfortunately, it can't update materials gathered by the Waterfiend familiar, or banked by the "Impsouled" perk,

Also, is there any way that it could "grab" the amount of materials stored in the material box when you open it? So that you can easily and quickly update the quantity you currently have? This would be especially useful after doing a bunch of restorations so you don't have to manually edit and deduct all the materials you just used.

Thanks for the awesome work!


#6 2020-04-09 18:22:59

Registered: 2019-03-20
Posts: 59

Re: Archaeology - Material Tracker

Since neither the Waterfiend passive or Imp Soul'd show what it sent to the bank, I can't track that.  I think Jagex may update that message in the future, and I will add that then.

I am unfortunately unable to add materials from the materials bank.  This may be different in the future, but as for now, I am only recording materials gained from chat messages.


#7 2020-04-10 02:14:30

Registered: 2015-11-07
Posts: 44

Re: Archaeology - Material Tracker

Items ported with the Premier Artifact ability aren't counted.

Also, could you make it so when you're using edit mode, it changes the order of the items to the appearance in the material box for ease of data entry? Unsure if this order is personal as well as if it would make higher tier mats at the top of the list.

Last edited by Borithil (2020-04-10 02:22:23)


#8 2020-04-10 02:36:18

Registered: 2019-03-20
Posts: 59

Re: Archaeology - Material Tracker

Was gonna say, the premier buff worked for me?  I assume because it's crossed out it is no longer an issue?

The material box is weird, because for me, the order of the box seems to constantly change.  The entries in the app (as long as you sort by "Mats") are listed in level order, which *should* be how the entries in the material bank are listed.

If you have at least one of every material, you can withdraw all, then place the back in order, but as I said before, for whatever reason, those won't stay in order.


#9 2020-04-10 22:53:50

Registered: 2020-04-10
Posts: 1

Re: Archaeology - Material Tracker

For some reason the chat doesnt get correctly detected, and thus its not tracking the materials. Using legacy.


#10 2020-04-10 23:10:51

Registered: 2019-03-20
Posts: 59

Re: Archaeology - Material Tracker

Unfortunately, Alt1's API doesn't support the legacy interface mode.

The reasoning is that Alt1 uses the Chat settings bar, found in the non-legacy interface mode to detect the chat windows.


#11 2020-04-11 05:28:48

Registered: 2020-04-05
Posts: 8

Re: Archaeology - Material Tracker

Is it possible to add a "clear" button to the Artefact calculator? Currently you have to scroll back and manually edit the values back to 0 when your done, also, maybe a "Sort by alphabetical order" option? For easier finding of the artefacts you want.

Thanks for the great work!

Last edited by Vamo_Elysian (2020-04-11 05:40:53)


#12 2020-04-11 08:14:23

Registered: 2020-04-11
Posts: 2

Re: Archaeology - Material Tracker

2 suggestions:

1. Option to hide any materials that aren't involved with my goals
2. Ability to sort the artifacts in the calculator alphabetically. Would be a lot easier to find the artifacts I need to add


Last edited by Manlover (2020-04-11 08:17:17)


#13 2020-04-11 16:14:53

Registered: 2019-03-20
Posts: 59

Re: Archaeology - Material Tracker

I have an update in testing where there will be a "Complete" button next to any artifact that has an amount greater than 0, which will change the number back to 0, and remove an amount of materials from the "Qty" column on the tracker. 

I will add the "Clear All" button for Artifacts, but it will not include the above functionality.

I will look into various sorting: Level (as it is now), Name (Alphabetically, ascending), and possibly collection (Main, not using the museum, or additional collections).

Probably change the filter to check if goals is checked, to hide anything without a goal.


#14 2020-04-14 08:29:36

Registered: 2020-04-14
Posts: 1

Re: Archaeology - Material Tracker

Would it be possible to have the option to display how much money you have made based off the mats collected? You can implement the pct.wtf api to get the closest pricing until the skill has been out long enough to stabilize the GE prices. This would be a nice feature to have.


#15 2020-04-14 17:52:07

Registered: 2019-03-20
Posts: 59

Re: Archaeology - Material Tracker

While i'm sure it's possible, it's out of the scope of this app.


#16 2020-04-15 04:13:47

Registered: 2019-03-20
Posts: 59

Re: Archaeology - Material Tracker

Bug fixes and Calc additions

- Corrected an issue while "Edit Mode" is enabled. NOTE: All other buttons in the Settings menu are to be disabled while "Edit Mode" is on as intended.
Artifact Calc
- Updated Calc UI for better functionality.
- Added "Clear" button.  This will only change all Artifact values to 0, and does not trigger the "Complete" function (Subtracts the amount of required mats from the Qty on the tracker).
- Added Search and Collections sorting.
- Artifacts are now clickable, and will open the appropriate page on RSWiki in a new window.
- Hovering over an Artifact name will now show the Level, XP, and Materials required information.
- Added Level, XP, and Collections information for Tetracompass.  (Collection is "Other").


#17 2020-04-15 13:43:25

Registered: 2020-04-11
Posts: 2

Re: Archaeology - Material Tracker

ZeroGwafa wrote:

Bug fixes and Calc additions

- Corrected an issue while "Edit Mode" is enabled. NOTE: All other buttons in the Settings menu are to be disabled while "Edit Mode" is on as intended.
Artifact Calc
- Updated Calc UI for better functionality.
- Added "Clear" button.  This will only change all Artifact values to 0, and does not trigger the "Complete" function (Subtracts the amount of required mats from the Qty on the tracker).
- Added Search and Collections sorting.
- Artifacts are now clickable, and will open the appropriate page on RSWiki in a new window.
- Hovering over an Artifact name will now show the Level, XP, and Materials required information.
- Added Level, XP, and Collections information for Tetracompass.  (Collection is "Other").

Thanks a lot for these updates! Really put the finishing touch.


#18 2020-04-15 20:47:59

Registered: 2020-04-05
Posts: 8

Re: Archaeology - Material Tracker

ZeroGwafa wrote:

Bug fixes and Calc additions

- Corrected an issue while "Edit Mode" is enabled. NOTE: All other buttons in the Settings menu are to be disabled while "Edit Mode" is on as intended.
Artifact Calc
- Updated Calc UI for better functionality.
- Added "Clear" button.  This will only change all Artifact values to 0, and does not trigger the "Complete" function (Subtracts the amount of required mats from the Qty on the tracker).
- Added Search and Collections sorting.
- Artifacts are now clickable, and will open the appropriate page on RSWiki in a new window.
- Hovering over an Artifact name will now show the Level, XP, and Materials required information.
- Added Level, XP, and Collections information for Tetracompass.  (Collection is "Other").

Thanks for all the updates! Been using this on a daily basis smile

Would it be possible to add a "Complete all" button to the artefact calculator? I (and i think most people) complete multiple restorations at a time so it would save manually scrolling to each one to "complete" it after doing an entire collection.

The "Armadylean II" filter is slightly incorrect, it lists "Nightmare Shield" as a required artifact, but it should be "Stormguard Geregee"

Keep up the awesome work!

Last edited by Vamo_Elysian (2020-04-15 20:53:13)


#19 2020-04-15 23:52:19

Registered: 2019-03-20
Posts: 59

Re: Archaeology - Material Tracker

- Corrected an issue where an artifact from the Armadylean II and III collection were swapped.
- Added "Complete All" button to Artifact calc.


#20 2020-04-17 17:55:50

Registered: 2020-04-17
Posts: 1

Re: Archaeology - Material Tracker

So i noticed it doesn't count the "Yu'biusk clay".

Last edited by MrCharos (2020-04-17 17:58:22)


#21 2020-04-17 18:07:50

Registered: 2019-03-20
Posts: 59

Re: Archaeology - Material Tracker

MrCharos wrote:

So i noticed it doesn't count the "Yu'biusk clay".

I'll look into this.  I don't have the level for that material, but it's worked with the various tests i've done.

Could you give more detail?  Imp souled?  Fortune?  Porter?  Does it detect other mats?  Could you provide a screenshot of the chatbox? 

Could you right click the spanner icon in the top right of the window, go to the console tab, and try to gather the clay again?  Post a screenshot of the console window (specifically, any errors what show up, if any).


#22 2020-04-17 21:33:25

Registered: 2019-03-20
Posts: 59

Re: Archaeology - Material Tracker


I have corrected an issue where the Complete All wasn't subtracting the proper amount of materials.


#23 2020-04-20 14:55:30

Registered: 2020-04-05
Posts: 8

Re: Archaeology - Material Tracker

Runescape update today changed the "Imp Souled" perk to send materials to the material storage and changed the message to the following, which should be now traceable by ALt1.


Also, whenever I open the "Artifact Calculator" it opens all squashed in a small window, any idea why?


Last edited by Vamo_Elysian (2020-04-20 14:59:05)


#24 2020-04-20 15:30:36

Registered: 2019-03-20
Posts: 59

Re: Archaeology - Material Tracker

I'll look to add imp souled as well.  The whole chat reader needs a re-write.

As for the window, are you running at a low resolution?


#25 2020-04-20 15:41:13

Registered: 2020-04-05
Posts: 8

Re: Archaeology - Material Tracker

I'm running at 3840 x 2160 smile

Last edited by Vamo_Elysian (2020-04-20 15:41:41)


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