#1 2021-10-10 01:54:37

Registered: 2021-10-09
Posts: 23

SusAlert - Croesus Attack Call-outs


SusAlert is an alt1 toolkit app for the croesus bossfight, it keeps track of croesus' attacks and provides you with visual and (optional) audio cues. In addition to that it can also display the state of all 4 statues aswell as the status of the crystal mask spell, and alert you when it expires.

The plugin is fully opensource, the github page can be found here. Please let me know of any issues you encounter, or any suggestions/feedback you may have!

Click here to add SusAlert to alt1

Or go to this URL in the alt1 browser: https://raphire.github.io/SusAlert/

How to use
SusAlert is easy to use and setup, simply install (instructions above) and open the plugin in alt1 toolkit, and you're good to go! SusAlert will automatically detect when the croesus fight starts and ends. Some features are not enabled by default, these can be enabled/disabled in the settings, which can be accessed by pressing the cog icon in the top right.

The timer may drift out of sync after the mid energy fungi phase due to the variable nature of this part of the fight, but this can be manually synced by clicking the sync button (or pressing alt + 1) when the mid fungi dies, it's also possible to tweak the timing in the settings if you have very consistent runs.

To function SusAlert needs the following:
- The bosstimer must be visible on-screen where it will not be obscured.
- Game messages need to be turned on (plugin is tested with fontsize 12).
- Interface scaling needs to be set to 100% (default).
- It is recommended to turn timestamps on in the chat box to improve chatreader accuracy.
- Any interface transparency should work, but beware a transparent chatbox may cause issues with the statue indicators.

Main Screen Overview w/ Different Options Enabled
SusAlert Main Screen Overview

Last edited by ItsMeCookieMonster (2023-10-19 22:08:48)


#2 2021-10-21 05:24:55

Registered: 2021-10-21
Posts: 1

Re: SusAlert - Croesus Attack Call-outs

When the stun notification pops up it doesn't say "Anticipate" like it originally did


#3 2021-10-23 20:55:19

Registered: 2021-10-09
Posts: 23

Re: SusAlert - Croesus Attack Call-outs

fuern3 wrote:

When the stun notification pops up it doesn't say "Anticipate" like it originally did

Heya, I just added an option to add the hints back to the tooltip! Check the SusAlert settings!

Last edited by ItsMeCookieMonster (2021-10-23 20:55:38)


#4 2022-01-06 17:22:01

Registered: 2022-01-06
Posts: 2

Re: SusAlert - Croesus Attack Call-outs

so i added the susalert the other day but it just keeps saying "awaiting boss to start." am i doing something wrong? it works for my friends but not me. they tried to help me but they have no idea why it wont work. please help me.


#5 2022-01-08 15:11:02

Registered: 2021-10-09
Posts: 23

Re: SusAlert - Croesus Attack Call-outs

C U R T I S wrote:

so i added the susalert the other day but it just keeps saying "awaiting boss to start." am i doing something wrong? it works for my friends but not me. they tried to help me but they have no idea why it wont work. please help me.

Please check whether the boss kill timer is enabled for your account. The plugin uses this to determine when the fight starts.
This can be found in the game settings, go to gameplay > Interfaces > Information Windows > Scroll down to Boss kill timer and enable it as seen in the screenshot below.

Last edited by ItsMeCookieMonster (2022-01-08 15:13:24)


#6 2022-01-08 18:55:57

Registered: 2022-01-06
Posts: 2

Re: SusAlert - Croesus Attack Call-outs

thanks. i had that enabled but it randomly started working yesterday so idk but its amazing work man ty!


#7 2022-01-08 19:18:14

Registered: 2021-10-09
Posts: 23

Re: SusAlert - Croesus Attack Call-outs

Glad to hear it's working now smile! And thanks!


#8 2022-04-02 00:54:55

Registered: 2022-04-01
Posts: 1

Re: SusAlert - Croesus Attack Call-outs

Im having trouble with SusAlert. When i originally downloaded it i couldnt get it to work. i ended up giving up after ging through my setting multiple times making sure they were correct. i was randomly doing a mimic kill token and i had sus open cause i forgot to close it and it started working. it worked at sus one time after that but when i closed it and went back later it wouldnt work for me at all again. nothing i do can get it to work any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated.


#9 2022-04-11 11:06:27

Registered: 2021-10-09
Posts: 23

Re: SusAlert - Croesus Attack Call-outs

ty26 wrote:

Im having trouble with SusAlert. When i originally downloaded it i couldnt get it to work. i ended up giving up after ging through my setting multiple times making sure they were correct. i was randomly doing a mimic kill token and i had sus open cause i forgot to close it and it started working. it worked at sus one time after that but when i closed it and went back later it wouldnt work for me at all again. nothing i do can get it to work any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated.

Sorry to hear you're having such a hard time getting SusAlert to work. The plugin uses the bosstimer to determine when the croesus encounter (or honestly any encounter with a bosstimer) starts. It may be that the bosstimer placement makes it hard to detect, so try placing moving it to see if that helps. Also make sure that the interface scaling is set to 100%, any other interface scaling won't work very well if at all.

Hope this helps!

Last edited by ItsMeCookieMonster (2022-04-11 11:06:52)


#10 2022-04-16 03:07:20

Registered: 2022-04-16
Posts: 1

Re: SusAlert - Croesus Attack Call-outs

Hey so my boss timer IS visible. All other alt1 apps work perfectly fine...but the susalert app will not. It just stays on waiting for the encounter to start


#11 2022-04-17 00:18:48

Registered: 2021-10-09
Posts: 23

Re: SusAlert - Croesus Attack Call-outs

Fastwesley wrote:

Hey so my boss timer IS visible. All other alt1 apps work perfectly fine...but the susalert app will not. It just stays on waiting for the encounter to start

Heya, I have pushed a fix for an issue that seems similar to yours, some files didn't load properly. Hopefully this also fixes the issue for you. Please right-click the SusAlert window and press Reload to make sure you're running the latest version.

Let me know if this fixes the issue for ya!

Last edited by ItsMeCookieMonster (2022-04-22 11:52:03)


#12 2022-04-26 19:28:08

Registered: 2022-04-26
Posts: 4

Re: SusAlert - Croesus Attack Call-outs

Hey, I've recently installed SusAlert and I have configured the appropriate settings required for it, however, for some reason it is just not working at all. It's constantly stuck on "Looking for chatbox..." and I have no idea why. I've changed the transparency, set the font to 12, boss timers enabled and visible on screen, game messages are on (tried both on and filtered) and interface scaling is set to the default of 100%. Anyone else having this issue?

Edit: I've also tried reloading it a handful of times and to no avail either.

Last edited by crazy247 (2022-04-26 19:29:38)


#13 2022-04-27 19:07:56

Registered: 2017-10-05
Posts: 10

Re: SusAlert - Croesus Attack Call-outs

crazy247 wrote:

Hey, I've recently installed SusAlert and I have configured the appropriate settings required for it, however, for some reason it is just not working at all. It's constantly stuck on "Looking for chatbox..." and I have no idea why. I've changed the transparency, set the font to 12, boss timers enabled and visible on screen, game messages are on (tried both on and filtered) and interface scaling is set to the default of 100%. Anyone else having this issue?

Edit: I've also tried reloading it a handful of times and to no avail either.

Still works fine for me.


#14 2022-04-29 17:01:01

Registered: 2021-10-09
Posts: 23

Re: SusAlert - Croesus Attack Call-outs

crazy247 wrote:

Hey, I've recently installed SusAlert and I have configured the appropriate settings required for it, however, for some reason it is just not working at all. It's constantly stuck on "Looking for chatbox..." and I have no idea why. I've changed the transparency, set the font to 12, boss timers enabled and visible on screen, game messages are on (tried both on and filtered) and interface scaling is set to the default of 100%. Anyone else having this issue?

Edit: I've also tried reloading it a handful of times and to no avail either.

Heya! Seems like you've already tried a lot to troubleshoot. Could you check to see if any errors show up? To do that rightclick on the susalert window, select 'inspect element' and navigate to the 'console' tab.


#15 2022-04-30 11:17:05

Registered: 2022-04-26
Posts: 4

Re: SusAlert - Croesus Attack Call-outs

ItsMeCookieMonster wrote:
crazy247 wrote:

Hey, I've recently installed SusAlert and I have configured the appropriate settings required for it, however, for some reason it is just not working at all. It's constantly stuck on "Looking for chatbox..." and I have no idea why. I've changed the transparency, set the font to 12, boss timers enabled and visible on screen, game messages are on (tried both on and filtered) and interface scaling is set to the default of 100%. Anyone else having this issue?

Edit: I've also tried reloading it a handful of times and to no avail either.

Heya! Seems like you've already tried a lot to troubleshoot. Could you check to see if any errors show up? To do that rightclick on the susalert window, select 'inspect element' and navigate to the 'console' tab.

Hey ItsMeCookieMonster,

Sure no problem, here's a screenshot of the console output from SusAlert as requested.



#16 2022-04-30 19:24:53

Registered: 2021-10-09
Posts: 23

Re: SusAlert - Croesus Attack Call-outs

crazy247 wrote:
ItsMeCookieMonster wrote:
crazy247 wrote:

Hey, I've recently installed SusAlert and I have configured the appropriate settings required for it, however, for some reason it is just not working at all. It's constantly stuck on "Looking for chatbox..." and I have no idea why. I've changed the transparency, set the font to 12, boss timers enabled and visible on screen, game messages are on (tried both on and filtered) and interface scaling is set to the default of 100%. Anyone else having this issue?

Edit: I've also tried reloading it a handful of times and to no avail either.

Heya! Seems like you've already tried a lot to troubleshoot. Could you check to see if any errors show up? To do that rightclick on the susalert window, select 'inspect element' and navigate to the 'console' tab.

Hey ItsMeCookieMonster,

Sure no problem, here's a screenshot of the console output from SusAlert as requested.


Thanks! That output doesn't show anything out of the ordinary. I does make me think of a bug that can occur when one of the chat windows is very small, try making all of the chat windows that are visible on-screen bigger, or hiding some of them. Let me know if this fixes the issue for you.

Last edited by ItsMeCookieMonster (2022-05-01 00:38:44)


#17 2022-05-01 09:15:22

Registered: 2022-04-26
Posts: 4

Re: SusAlert - Croesus Attack Call-outs

ItsMeCookieMonster wrote:
crazy247 wrote:
ItsMeCookieMonster wrote:

Heya! Seems like you've already tried a lot to troubleshoot. Could you check to see if any errors show up? To do that rightclick on the susalert window, select 'inspect element' and navigate to the 'console' tab.

Hey ItsMeCookieMonster,

Sure no problem, here's a screenshot of the console output from SusAlert as requested.


Thanks! That output doesn't show anything out of the ordinary. I does make me think of a bug that can occur when one of the chat windows is very small, try making all of the chat windows that are visible on-screen bigger, or hiding some of them. Let me know if this fixes the issue for you.

Thanks for the response ItsMeCookieMonster, I've included a screenshot of my current chatbox window. It's relatively big I reckon, displays 14 lines of text at size 12 font. I tested making it bigger and to no avail either, I have no idea what could be causing this. My chatbox window is very minimalistic.



#18 2022-05-01 11:23:47

Registered: 2021-10-09
Posts: 23

Re: SusAlert - Croesus Attack Call-outs

crazy247 wrote:
ItsMeCookieMonster wrote:
crazy247 wrote:

Hey ItsMeCookieMonster,

Sure no problem, here's a screenshot of the console output from SusAlert as requested.


Thanks! That output doesn't show anything out of the ordinary. I does make me think of a bug that can occur when one of the chat windows is very small, try making all of the chat windows that are visible on-screen bigger, or hiding some of them. Let me know if this fixes the issue for you.

Thanks for the response ItsMeCookieMonster, I've included a screenshot of my current chatbox window. It's relatively big I reckon, displays 14 lines of text at size 12 font. I tested making it bigger and to no avail either, I have no idea what could be causing this. My chatbox window is very minimalistic.


Yea that size seems more than fine, very strange indeed. Do you have any trouble with any other alt1 apps that use the chat, such as afkwarden? To check you can add a new basic alert and see if the app detects any text from the chat (shown below)

Last edited by ItsMeCookieMonster (2022-05-01 11:52:51)


#19 2022-05-05 14:48:19

Registered: 2022-04-26
Posts: 4

Re: SusAlert - Croesus Attack Call-outs

ItsMeCookieMonster wrote:
crazy247 wrote:
ItsMeCookieMonster wrote:

Thanks! That output doesn't show anything out of the ordinary. I does make me think of a bug that can occur when one of the chat windows is very small, try making all of the chat windows that are visible on-screen bigger, or hiding some of them. Let me know if this fixes the issue for you.

Thanks for the response ItsMeCookieMonster, I've included a screenshot of my current chatbox window. It's relatively big I reckon, displays 14 lines of text at size 12 font. I tested making it bigger and to no avail either, I have no idea what could be causing this. My chatbox window is very minimalistic.


Yea that size seems more than fine, very strange indeed. Do you have any trouble with any other alt1 apps that use the chat, such as afkwarden? To check you can add a new basic alert and see if the app detects any text from the chat (shown below)

Sorry for the late response, I've not been able to check this forum as I've been out of town with work commitments. I digress, I've tried setting up one of those alerts depicted in your last reply and I'm unable to do that as it doesn't display the chatbox/detect it. I've checked various other threads relating to this issue and have tried some of the recommended fixes such as checking my NVIDIA manage settings, changing the capture method, and a few others - none of which resolved it. I am unsure how to proceed in fixing this. I'm considering just giving up trying to resolve it to be honest. Thank you for your help thus far though!


#20 2022-05-06 21:21:19

Registered: 2021-10-09
Posts: 23

Re: SusAlert - Croesus Attack Call-outs

crazy247 wrote:
ItsMeCookieMonster wrote:
crazy247 wrote:

Thanks for the response ItsMeCookieMonster, I've included a screenshot of my current chatbox window. It's relatively big I reckon, displays 14 lines of text at size 12 font. I tested making it bigger and to no avail either, I have no idea what could be causing this. My chatbox window is very minimalistic.


Yea that size seems more than fine, very strange indeed. Do you have any trouble with any other alt1 apps that use the chat, such as afkwarden? To check you can add a new basic alert and see if the app detects any text from the chat (shown below)

Sorry for the late response, I've not been able to check this forum as I've been out of town with work commitments. I digress, I've tried setting up one of those alerts depicted in your last reply and I'm unable to do that as it doesn't display the chatbox/detect it. I've checked various other threads relating to this issue and have tried some of the recommended fixes such as checking my NVIDIA manage settings, changing the capture method, and a few others - none of which resolved it. I am unsure how to proceed in fixing this. I'm considering just giving up trying to resolve it to be honest. Thank you for your help thus far though!

Hey, thanks for the update. I have unfortunately never encountered this bug before myself, I would advise trying to reinstall alt1 completely to see if that changes things.

Last edited by ItsMeCookieMonster (2022-07-03 14:34:41)


#21 2022-08-01 19:21:55

Registered: 2022-08-01
Posts: 1

Re: SusAlert - Croesus Attack Call-outs

Hey @ItsMeCookieMonster great app man! thanks for making this!
I had a suggestion.. could you make the app highlight the tile to stand on when mid fungus spawns so that even if stickied, we can harvest the fungus on priority?
Thanks once again mate!


#22 2022-08-01 20:09:17

Registered: 2019-03-19
Posts: 246

Re: SusAlert - Croesus Attack Call-outs

No they can't. That is not an available function of Alt1.

Last edited by crazye97 (2022-08-01 20:09:48)


#23 2022-08-04 21:38:56

Registered: 2022-08-04
Posts: 1

Re: SusAlert - Croesus Attack Call-outs

ItsMeCookieMonster wrote:
crazy247 wrote:
ItsMeCookieMonster wrote:

Yea that size seems more than fine, very strange indeed. Do you have any trouble with any other alt1 apps that use the chat, such as afkwarden? To check you can add a new basic alert and see if the app detects any text from the chat (shown below)

Sorry for the late response, I've not been able to check this forum as I've been out of town with work commitments. I digress, I've tried setting up one of those alerts depicted in your last reply and I'm unable to do that as it doesn't display the chatbox/detect it. I've checked various other threads relating to this issue and have tried some of the recommended fixes such as checking my NVIDIA manage settings, changing the capture method, and a few others - none of which resolved it. I am unsure how to proceed in fixing this. I'm considering just giving up trying to resolve it to be honest. Thank you for your help thus far though!

Hey, thanks for the update. I have unfortunately never encountered this bug before myself, I would advise trying to reinstall alt1 completely to see if that changes things.

i already did an issue on github but i have the same issue. It always looks for chatbox and will never work either on steam OR vanilla client. It refuses to work and afkwarden works perfectly for archeology

EDIT: i have found the issue, if you go through the browser it doesnt work. Im using pre-release 1.5.7 for it to work on my steam client.

I installed 1.5.6, went on vanilla runescape client and it only works if i add the app. If i go through the browser with the link you gave on github it wont find the chatbox

Last edited by WildFearless (2022-08-04 21:53:03)


#24 2022-08-05 21:05:19

Registered: 2021-10-09
Posts: 23

Re: SusAlert - Croesus Attack Call-outs

WildFearless wrote:
ItsMeCookieMonster wrote:
crazy247 wrote:

Sorry for the late response, I've not been able to check this forum as I've been out of town with work commitments. I digress, I've tried setting up one of those alerts depicted in your last reply and I'm unable to do that as it doesn't display the chatbox/detect it. I've checked various other threads relating to this issue and have tried some of the recommended fixes such as checking my NVIDIA manage settings, changing the capture method, and a few others - none of which resolved it. I am unsure how to proceed in fixing this. I'm considering just giving up trying to resolve it to be honest. Thank you for your help thus far though!

Hey, thanks for the update. I have unfortunately never encountered this bug before myself, I would advise trying to reinstall alt1 completely to see if that changes things.

i already did an issue on github but i have the same issue. It always looks for chatbox and will never work either on steam OR vanilla client. It refuses to work and afkwarden works perfectly for archeology

EDIT: i have found the issue, if you go through the browser it doesnt work. Im using pre-release 1.5.7 for it to work on my steam client.

I installed 1.5.6, went on vanilla runescape client and it only works if i add the app. If i go through the browser with the link you gave on github it wont find the chatbox

Thanks for the update, adding susalert as an app is required due to the permissions it needs to get information from your screen. This is required for reading and finding the chatbox, if susalert doesn't find a chatbox it will get stuck as was the case with you here. I'll see if I can add a clearer error message incase susalert does not have the required permissions.


#25 2022-09-17 22:08:05

Registered: 2021-10-09
Posts: 23

Re: SusAlert - Croesus Attack Call-outs

New (optional) statue indicators have been added to SusAlert, making it easier to see each statue's status at a glance. Please let me know your thoughts on this new feature!

SusAlert Main Screen

Last edited by ItsMeCookieMonster (2022-09-17 22:23:50)


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