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This app will show current vis wax combination for the current day with ability to calculate profits on the GE runes database.
Click here to add Vis Wax combinations
Current Features:
- Scrapes Runescape forums - Vis Wax posts once every 30 minutes. (max 4 requests / hour)
- Live rune prices from the Runeguide GE database
- Automatic calculation of runes combination
- Gives approximately profit based on vis wax recieved + runes cost
- … 7,65763383
- … 9,65579315
NOTE: this app is currently in Alpha stage, since scraping the runescape forums posts are hard to do I can't promise it keeps working from day to day.
Any Suggestions / Questions - PM me in-game [Kes] or contact me through reddit rs_kes
How it works
- Open the app in the Alt1 Toolkit
- Select the source by clicking on of the buttons.
- Select the runes you are going to put into the slots
- Automatically calculcates profit / Vis wax return based on input slots
Change Log:
22/07: After a 7 day test period the script didn't fail once in scraping the runescape forum threads, released for beta.
13/11: Between 11-11 and 13-11 the switch between the server broke and the app was offline, sorry for inconvience.
Last edited by Kes (2017-11-13 10:22:17)
This is very nice actually. This idea has been on (the bottom of) the todo list for a long time but i didn't expect it to be this useful.
There is one small glitch btw. The newer nis.css fixes this. I also updated the css resource zip on the dev thread.
Amazing! Could you make it so that Alt1 opens it when you right click the machine and hoover over interact (and press alt1, obviously)?
I haven't added image detection on the app yet, might in the future. In the meantime you can do the following
Click Alt1 Toolkit -> Right click Vis wax Combo -> Pin to toolbar.
Updated the nis.css on the webserver, should be working now!
Last edited by Kes (2017-07-14 18:10:02)
Kes i think Duradel means adding "Interact Rune Goldberg machine" as app activator phrase. You can do that in the appconfig.json if you add that string to the "activators" array. After that Alt1 will open your app if that text is detected when you press alt+1.
Kes i think Duradel means adding "Interact Rune Goldberg machine" as app activator phrase. You can do that in the appconfig.json if you add that string to the "activators" array. After that Alt1 will open your app if that text is detected when you press alt+1.
Holy cow, I had no idea that would actually work! I thought that activation phrase was some kind of hotkey to open it, rather than actual text detection. If it doesn't work, you'll hear from me, if it does, thanks a lot!
Kes i think Duradel means adding "Interact Rune Goldberg machine" as app activator phrase. You can do that in the appconfig.json if you add that string to the "activators" array. After that Alt1 will open your app if that text is detected when you press alt+1.
changed the appconfig to have this:
"activators": ["Interact Rune Goldberg machine"],
re-installed the app and added more permission but still can't get it to work?
keep saying the same message for me
keep saying the same message for me
same for me!
The switch between the server and router broke over the weekend, I was away on a business trip. It's now fixed.
The app hasn't been able to read from the forums for the past 4 days. Clicking the source buttons "updates" it but it hasn't changed rune configurations. I know it's in development still and can understand not working a few days but since its 4 in a row, I don't know if its something you wanna look in to. Love it otherwise though.
Yeah as far as I can tell, neither source has worked the last couple of days so something went wrong
Working on the problem.
It seems as Crontab on the server broke, finding an solution atm.
I ran the crontab manually. This worked so the script isn't broken.
The crond service was not running, restarted and working fine.
Cause was because of a factorio server I made and had to update a couple of services, apparently updated the crond service and forgot to start it again.
Struggles of having your own server
Last edited by Kes (2018-02-02 08:28:28)
Thanks for the quick fix! You the man/woman/he/she/it!
So I've been trying to add this app to Alt1 but nothing happens when I click the link in OP.
I've been able to install other ones like Nemi Forrest and Livid Farm, but not Viswax.
Is there a solution or is it currently having issues?
@Alucardtnuoc try again, webserver was down for some unknown reason
@Alucardtnuoc try again, webserver was down for some unknown reason
Yep, working now.
Rather than scraping the forums, you can find them on this website.
People vote on it by clicking on the rune that worked for them, and the page displays the top vote for the day. This method should be easier and more reliable than the forums imo.
The counterargument would be that this website may go down and the forums won't. While it's a real possibility, this website has been operational for a few years which shows some resiliency.
Note: It would be awesome if this app was able to submit votes back to the website. If nothing else, it would send the message to the website host that this feature is still very much alive and utilized.
Last edited by TheRealNoob (2018-02-19 06:54:51)
I will be updating the Webserver to a more reliable host. This will happen in the upcoming week so the Viswax app might be down for 1-2 hours.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
The forum thread for source 1 (75-76-499-65579315) is now full. New thread is located at 75-76-378-66118165 ( … 8,66118165).
Server is currently down, I need physical access to the machine to fix the issue. That is currently not possible as I am not at home.
Please visit the following page for the vis wax combination:
Viswax is back online.
I'm noticing the alternatives often don't load in, even though they are present in one or both sources.
I've had this installed on my Desktop for a while and think it works great. However, I'm trying to re-install it on my laptop and it just won't get added to Alt1. It'll launch Alt1 like it's trying to add it and just not do anything. I've tried many times and just don't know why it won't add even though it's still working on my desktop.