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This app will help you to kill Telos.
Click here to add the Telos app
Current features
- Tells you what the last attack was and what the next attack will be (this does not include "So much power" and "Onslaught")
- Includes a timer that shows you what the cooldown of Telos' Freedom is. On phase 5 at 250%+ enrage it will also show you how long Telos is immune for stuns
- Includes a timer that shows you the time until the beam changes on phase 2, 3 and 5
- Includes a Vulnerability timer
- Counts the attacks on P5. For reference, the virus will occur after the 9th attack before the insta kill and after the 11th after an instakill.
Currently known bugs
- Virus attack will not register if you don't clear it at the beam (will probly change this to work with buff bar ones I figure out how the library works)
- Vertical scroll doesn't work properly
- Beam timer keeps running after a kill or when you die
Help! This tool isn't working!
- Make sure these buttons are visible above your chatbox:
- Having low transparency helps to get better readings too
Sometimes the tool shows the wrong next attack, especially after phase transitions!
- Either turn on timestamps or lock the telos infobox. It gets in the way of the chatbox and causes wrong readings
- Added an attack counter for P5
- Added a Vulnerability timer
- The progressbar now turns purple when Telos is immune to stuns
- Added a settings menu
- Added a toggle to update the progress bar every 10 ms or every tick
- Changed timers to update every tick instead of every second
- Timers are shown in ticks too now
- Fixed most issues with special attack transfers (use timestamps or lock telos infobox for best accuracy)
- Added an option to change the time between chatbox checks. It's recommended to atleast check every 600 ms. Slow PCs may benifit from less frequent checks at the cost of timer accuracy
Feel free to suggest anything! This app hasn't been tested a lot so there may be more bugs. If you find any, post them down below, in the alt1 discord or PM me ingame.
Last edited by DaStewie (2019-02-24 13:53:12)
Looking very good. I tried a quick 0 enrage kill with it and it was working nicely. The free bar confused me a but at first before realizing that that wasn't the next attack display. I've never really paid attention to telos' freedom timer before.
I will probably be using this when i next push enrage again (currently at 250% =/)
I tested this out for 0-100% enrage. But the attack rotations seem to always to be stuck on phase 1 rotations and doesn't change when you advance to the next phase, Like it would say stun was next then boom telos would do the "Hold Still"
I tested this out for 0-100% enrage. But the attack rotations seem to always to be stuck on phase 1 rotations and doesn't change when you advance to the next phase, Like it would say stun was next then boom telos would do the "Hold Still"
Thanks for reporting this. Think i've fixed it now.
did 4 kills and it seems to work pretty well. I think this will help me get into telos.
suggestion: could you add a button that refreshes the next attack bar for the phase change? every now and then it does not seem to work. That might be because there isnt a message about the phasing transitioning.
Hey, tried your app. Its great! Quick things I noticed, the timer starts at 30 at start of p2. Its not wrong, and I understand your universal timer for each beam is 30 seconds but QoL. Second thing is, after a phase swap, it doesnt show next attack correctly, rather shows the next attack in last attack, however the attack after next it the correct one
works great, keep up the good work
just started on Telos, and this is helpfull for when i forget the attack rotation.
Thank you
Today I updated the app with many changes and bugfixes!
- Added a Vulnerability timer
- The progressbar now turns purple when Telos is immune to stuns
- Added a settings menu
- Added a toggle to update the progress bar every 10 ms or every tick
- Changed timers to update every tick instead of every second
- Timers are shown in ticks too now
- Fixed most issues with special attack transfers (use timestamps or lock telos infobox for best accuracy)
- Added an option to change the time between chatbox checks. It's recommended to atleast check every 600 ms. Slow PCs may benifit from less frequent checks at the cost of timer accuracy
Last edited by DaStewie (2018-12-16 12:37:13)
love this! 1 issue:
love this! 1 issue:
When does this happen to you?
I'm getting the same thing, your app url in the appconfig is pointing to the wrong location.
Alright, it should be fixed now!
checked app: wasn't working
restarted alt1
checked app: wasn't working
removed and re-added the app
checked app: now it works
ty! im gonan go test it out
used it for 1 kill, beam timer works perfect! (its a little off but its consistent, so i know and i can adjust myself)
the vuln timer and freedom timer dont do anything at all for me
it recognizes the phase im on, but not the attack, it just says the phase, and the first attack in the rotation of that phase
am i doing something wrong?
Seems like an issue with the chatbox reader. Is it true that you don't use timestamps?
I put in a fix for no timestamps. Let me know if that helped. Be aware that if you're not using timestamps that you should either lock the telos infobox or keep in mind that the next attack may be wrong from time to time after phase transitions.
If this didn't fix the problem add me on Discord. I'll help you out there. (DaStewie#6621)
Can this show the HP for each phase for sub 200 enrage?
very nice tool, is it possible to track p5 auto attacks by reading the spec bar?
basically when the bar is like this, it's virus next
and when the bar is filled, it's instakill after 3 more autos
Last edited by testbog (2019-01-20 18:48:13)
very nice tool, is it possible to track p5 auto attacks by reading the spec bar?
basically when the bar is like this, it's virus next when the bar is filled, it's instakill after 3 more autos
Holy shit, that's an amazing idea. I'll see what I can do!
Hey stewie, nice work mate. Was making a simpler version of the tool some months ago, and im thinking of expanding mine aswell with freedom timer. Now my tool is private use only and nowhere as neat as urs, but i enjoy programming it . Have a question, could you tell me in detail what freedom timings are for 150-250%, 250-999% and 1000%+? Both cooldown/immunity time. Also is there a difference between P1-4 and P5 at any of these enrages? If u could provide me the details u prolly analyzed would be awesome
. If not no worries ill have to analyze it for myself.
Thanks bro @duobandos ^^ Telos freedom timers are 30, 18.6 and 9.6 seconds respectively. Telos will be immune for 6 seconds after he used freedom on phase 5 at 250% enrage and above. So the only difference between p5 and the other phases is the stun immunity.
The version with the attack counter on phase 5 is now live! You can enable it in the settings!
When the counter hits 10, so after 9 autoattacks, Telos will use his bleed. After the insta kill it'll take 11 autoattacks before you'll get a virus. The virus does count as attack. When the counter hits 24 and the bar is full Telos will do 3 more autoattacks before he does the instakill attack.
Last edited by DaStewie (2019-02-24 13:54:00)
Very nice addition, love the app, really helped me when I was learning telos. Keep up the good work
Also would it be possible for the app to show virus colour on p5? I sometimes have a hard time looking at the buff/debuff bars to find it, think it would make p5 bit smoother for quite a few people. Pretty much how vuln timer is shown currently
That'd probly be possible
Any idea on how I could display it?