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maybe the bar loading could be in colour of the next virus? idk really, even a separate window would work
Very nice little app, thanks for making it! Helps a ton when you get into a "panic" situation at higher enrages and you forget the rotation lol.
This alt 1 is utter fucking garbage it doesnt know the right attacks on all phases whoever made this is a fucking idiot update this fucking garbage so people can actually use it right
lol nice one terruh, have you even read how it works before using it? funny guy
It dont work at all for me
Join the discord and send a screenshot there.. I'll help you out
Would it be possible to add something to show what HP is needed to transition to the next phase? This could be calculated based on the enrage level shown in chat when starting a kill or the enrage shown at the top. Bonus points for showing the HP needed for Telos to siphon the next font on P4.
how can i install that ?
Any chance we could get a font HP calculator for lower enrages, so I know when to smack Telos to delay so much power properly? Not the most useful beyond cap hp but if it was possible it'd be a lifesaver
Whoops, just realised someone already addressed that, but it'd be nice, still
This app kinda sux, cant even tell which attack is next at p2 and p3, app says Stun or Virus (This is 66% of P3...). Also app forgot about Magic barrage at P2. If u're learning Telos u're risking ur life with using this app. 2/10 bcs at least Freedom works well...
The app didn't forget about the onslaught (I assume you mean this with Magic barrage), It's simply impossible to detect with alt1 and most people don't even consider it as a special attack. For this exact same reason it doesn't know which attack P3 starts with if you end with tendril, since it doesn't know whether Telos started his onslaught or not. You're still allowed to use your brain. If you end P2 with any other special attack it'll work fine. Glad you enjoy the Freedom timer tho.
Yeah it's a great suggestion but i've been kinda busy in real life and haven't had much time to work on this yet. Coming Soon tm.
The app didn't forget about the onslaught (I assume you mean this with Magic barrage), It's simply impossible to detect with alt1 and most people don't even consider it as a special attack. For this exact same reason it doesn't know which attack P3 starts with if you end with tendril, since it doesn't know whether Telos started his onslaught or not. You're still allowed to use your brain. If you end P2 with any other special attack it'll work fine. Glad you enjoy the Freedom timer tho.@Carbonlejend
Yeah it's a great suggestion but i've been kinda busy in real life and haven't had much time to work on this yet. Coming Soon tm.
Not sure if you're still working on it.
I thought of a way you may be able to track the Mage Onslaught, why not use the bar that fills up to detect if it's been used? If it goes "Down" at all, he's used the Mage Onslaught. You can track next ability when the bar empties in that phase too.
That's if it's possible to track that bars progress.
could you adapt this for kalphite king?
Does this app no longer work?