#1 2018-12-16 17:13:16

second dam
Registered: 2018-12-16
Posts: 2

Clue solver is not solving celtic knots.

Since downloading the update the clue solver is not finding any solutions for celtic knots

Initially the client suggests using the invert paths button, however when holding the mouse and/or clicking invert paths the client still does not find a solution. Sometimes no message appears sometimes the client states: "Could not find the celtic knot puzzle."

Since the update the clue solver has been causing significant lag, sometimes to the point of crashing the game, especially when attempting celtic knots.

I have reinstalled the program and restarted my computer twice.

Last edited by second dam (2018-12-16 20:41:48)


#2 2018-12-17 04:37:52

Registered: 2018-12-15
Posts: 5

Re: Clue solver is not solving celtic knots.

I've been experiencing issues with just about all aspects of the clue solver since update, I've noticed that the solver now tries to solve the clue the moment you open it, instead of needing to click solve any each time. In regards to the celtic knots, if you fiddle with it like clicking solve any again, or clicking one of the arrows then solve any again it picks up on it. The picture puzzles do kinda the same thing, but sometimes they won't update to the newest puzzle and will show you the solve path for the previous one, until you click solve any again. It's likely due to a new unannounced feature that was pushed to the clue solver, I haven't experienced any lag though, I assume cause my pc has high enough specs for it to not be an issue.

Maybe try closing all background apps you don't need open and see if that alleviates the lag, which could be your main issue, until it's fixed. I hope it helps.


#3 2018-12-19 18:14:50

second dam
Registered: 2018-12-16
Posts: 2

Re: Clue solver is not solving celtic knots.

Update: I am experiencing the same issue using the website to solve knots as I have been with the application. The knot solver on the website is either not finding a solution (inverted or not) or giving an incorrect answer to the puzzle.

I have been attempting to use the knot solver each day since the original post was made.


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