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I wouldn't ask but I don't see a runeapps/alt1 toolkit/alt1 etc. in C:\Program Files (x86) OR in C:\Program Files where do i find my personally created AFK Warden notification files?
--correction-- C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Discord
what folder in this directory ^ are the afk warden files? and what are the names of the AFK warden files, or file type. every time i install alt1 toolkit i lose these files and i am getting tired of remaking them.
Thanks for any reply! unless of course its an unhelpful comment then i wont be thankful just slightly annoyed...
Last edited by Zaduro (2019-02-05 17:04:09)
You can find the files here installation files here: %localappdata%/alt1toolkit/
However you wont be able to get meaningful access to the afkwarden data this way, storing that is handled by chromium.
If you want to save an afkwarden preset on your disk independent from alt1 it would be best to just use the export function and save the text that that returns into a file.
alright, thanks I just realized the answer to my question has been right there the whole time xD thanks skillbert, and i love your app its really helpful I wouldnt have been able to concentrate on skills by myself x]
Pages: 1