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heya I love what you've created here with this app its awesome! so when using the dgkey app I love how u just have to open the map and it automatically updates the app, epic. would there be a way to code/create a similar app but for the strange/golden rocks for the statues? so that we could have a visual at all times without having to stop the grind etc
here is what the regular strange rock bag looks like,
and this is the golden rock tab in the same bag,
I really like automatic stuff but i think this one is going a bit far. Oh well, I'll see what happens when i get bored, there is also a meg solver in the toolkit for some reason =p
=p I figured since it takes 32 weeks for regular statue, and 32 builds of golden statue(not 1 a week at least thank god) that a lot of people would use it, especially people aiming for trimming. and since opening the bag causes u to stop skilling/attacking its a pain in the ass to keep checking lol if I could keep it open all the time on my own I would
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