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Hey all
Been using alt one hardcore for awhile
I find that sometimes it seems to 'DING" again as soon as I tab away without a real secondary alert. I do not have it on repeat and I can't figure out how to replicate the issue. Tonight for instance it was dinging falsely regularly, other times, no.
Any ideas?
Could be a couple things. Can you show a screenshot of when it happens?
Alerted once
I clicked over picked it up
It alerted again AFTER I used the prayer refresh from the stone.
Here's another one,
About 1 minute delay between re-ping
Do any of your chat tabs flash, by chance?
Repeats happen when AfkWarden reads the chat for a second time. This can happen because you scroll through your chat history, or switch tabs, especially if you've enabled game messages in multiple chat tabs. I've never had issues with tabbing away. How big is your chat box? Perhaps AfkWarden also reads the chat again if you tab away. If this were the case, your chat box may be too big. Try and resize it so only 3-5 rows of text are visible.
Unfortunately, I cannot open your images, so I can't see what is going on exactly.
Edit: the images are working again. I see now that your chat is quite big. Try to reduce it, and see if this problem persists. I'd also recommend turning on all game messages, to make sure the message from the loot beam will disappear quickly, so AfkWarden can't read it twice.
Last edited by Fiend (2021-02-12 13:23:07)
I've gone ahead and tried this we'll update! It FEELS like it updates on tab or something. Not sure how to better show it maybe a screen record.
Alerts here
I tab as I get a charm crushed
Alerts AGAIN
Pages: 1