#1 2025-01-02 14:12:50

Registered: 2025-01-02
Posts: 2

Clue Solver - World map issue


For many years I have had the same issue with Alt1 Toolkit's "Clue Solver" app. When I receive a clue scroll step with an arrow point towards a direction in the outside world, the app should give me a blue line on a world map which shows the direction the arrow is pointing. However the problem I am having is that the app presumably can't seem to detect where I am in the world, so the app almost always zooms out the world map enormously so that I can't see where the blue line(s) are, and often it also can't seem to update my position in the game world- my character "disappear" from the Clue Solver map.

I have to ask what the culprit could be that is doing this? Is it a scaling issue? I have a 4K monitor at 150% DPI, with the correct DPI scaling fix for Alt1 Toolkit as mentioned on these forums, and RuneScape interface scaling at 100%. Every other Alt1 Toolkit app are working fine.



#2 2025-01-03 00:27:12

Registered: 2019-03-19
Posts: 249

Re: Clue Solver - World map issue

Things look fine, you probably have the undetermined lighting issue that we don't know the cause or solution to. You may wish to turn off the automatic tracking on the load-in page and go back to manual.


#3 2025-01-04 12:56:04

Registered: 2025-01-02
Posts: 2

Re: Clue Solver - World map issue

For future readers, I have myself discovered a solution to this problem I was having with the Clue Solver map:

1. Right-click the Alt1 Toolkit shortcut or the .exe in the folder where you installed the app.
2. Click the "Compatibility" tab.
3. Click the "Change high DPI settings" button.
4. At the new window that popped up, click the first box at the top so that the check-marker is shown.
5. In the middle of the same window you just opened, click the drop-down menu and select "I open this program".
6. Click "OK" for both windows.
7. Restart Alt1 Toolkit if you had it running when you configured the settings. Alternatively start the program.
8. Problem fixed! The map is now working perfectly for me.

The problem was indeed due to DPI settings, and I hope this helped people who have had this problem!


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