#1 2015-12-11 08:17:22

Registered: 2015-12-11
Posts: 2

Cannot run Alt-1 Toolkit

Hello! I have been using your application for the past month and have been enjoying it immensely! I just ran into a sudden halt as I cannot figure out how to get the application up and running again.
http://puu.sh/lRm4G/0e9d0ea224.png is the screenshot of the error screen I am receiving.


#2 2015-12-11 18:27:19

Registered: 2014-12-30
Posts: 1,061

Re: Cannot run Alt-1 Toolkit

An in-page error is an error with your hard drive, it might indicate that your hard drive is it failing. This error is happening outside of the alt1 code.
I can't tell you much more with just this error message, but you should probably make a backup right now. I found this post by googling your error, doing te chkdsk is probably not a bad idea.


#3 2015-12-11 20:07:40

Registered: 2015-12-11
Posts: 2

Re: Cannot run Alt-1 Toolkit

Awesome, Thanks for the reply. After some research on my own I was figuring out that it was on my end. With countless hours of troubleshooting the forums here and looking at the "in-page error" on different searches that is what I assumed. Thanks for the heads up! Though I am completely aware of my hard drive condition and have it backed. I got Alt-1 Toolkit up and running this morning as well. Thanks again for a truly amazing application.


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