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I've re-installed twice, removed %appdata% but I'm still not getting any apps installed.
Same with alt1 in the tray.
Never had any issues with alt1, just a recent thing that started to happen.
This happens when Alt1 can not reach the internet to initialize the app list. The problem is usually your firewall or antivirus. The app list should appear the next time you start Alt1 if it can reach the internet. No re-install needed.
I have windows firewall disabled nor anti-virus's installed, I've tried running as administrator and clearing browser caches.
I get this when trying to open the browser so I'm guessing it's a browser problem?
Alt1 error report
Version: 1.5.6
OS type: 64bit
CPU features: SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE41, SSE42, AVX, using_mm128
Id: D3838F3BSystem.TypeInitializationException
The type initializer for 'System.ServiceModel.Diagnostics.TraceUtility' threw an exception.
Configuration system failed to initialize
at System.ServiceModel.Diagnostics.TraceUtility.SetEtwProviderId()at System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase..ctor()
at System.ServiceModel.ServiceHost..ctor(Type serviceType, Uri[] baseAddresses)
at CefSharp.Internals.BrowserProcessServiceHost..ctor(JavascriptObjectRepository javascriptObjectRepository, Int32 parentProcessId, Int32 browserId, IJavascriptCallbackFactory callbackFactory)
at CefSharp.ManagedCefBrowserAdapter.InitializeBrowserProcessServiceHost(IBrowser browser)
at CefSharp.ManagedCefBrowserAdapter.OnAfterBrowserCreated(IBrowser browser)
at CefSharp.Internals.ClientAdapter.OnAfterCreated(ClientAdapter* , scoped_refptr<CefBrowser>* browser)
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