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It should works exactly the same as for buffs, if it doesn't work then there is probably an issue with finding your debuffs inteface.
Second button to add an alert
Then click Basic alert to add a custom alert
You can then click buffs and a list with currently visible buffs and debuffs will let you select the dren pot debuff.
Oh Ic it now. I was confused because it said buffs, whereas I was looking for a debuff.
Any way of using this to track when a certain amount of stacks are gained? (ie. when reaching 6 or 12 stacks for the new necrosis stacks with necromancy)
afkwarden only warns when I boot up, then no longer tracks chatbox, buffs, hp, prayer etc.
It detects the chatbox, prayer HP, buffs, etc. when I boot it up, but doesn't update. Cursor tooltips also do not appear.
I've done the steps to counter the recent change to interface scaling, but behaviour is the same as before.
EDIT: Found the issue. I didn't have the "Get game state" option toggled on for AFKwarden.
Last edited by Huichelaar (2023-09-21 18:45:23)
Any way of using this to track when a certain amount of stacks are gained? (ie. when reaching 6 or 12 stacks for the new necrosis stacks with necromancy)
You should be able to track it with the "Buffs" module too. Change the "Alert at (sec)" to 6 or 12 and it should work.
Also, I would like to point out that the Necromancy Ritual module isn't working as intended (?). It consistently rings the alarm a few seconds before the ritual actually completes (probably at when the last disturbance is meant to happen). Would really like to see more customizability to that module.
Is the HP alert and Prayer alert broken for anyone else? My and a friend can't get it to detect it anymore since last Monday's update. Any workaround would be a big help. Thanks!
Yes it is. The only workaround I've heard at this point is to use vertical bars.
Is there a way to remove or edit custom sounds you've uploaded? Is there a place I can access the files to edit them manually?
If not, is this feature being considered?
First of all I would like to say I love alt1 so far! But a nice addition would be smithing preset (which would notify of the serenspirits, blessings of the gods etc... But also would notify when the heat bar falls below x percentage
The overhead bar isn't an option, but you can make your own alert for the chat messages for heat.
The overhead bar isn't an option, but you can make your own alert for the chat messages for heat.
Ohh yea your absolutely right
Would be extremely engaging if the time progress bars on the afk warden widget also displayed the time remaining as a countdown. I think it would improve the legibility of the ux by reducing the vagueness of progress bars.
Would it be possible to add a delay to a chatbox alert as a pseudo respawn timer (I.E AFKwarden reads "Completion time" in chatbox and starts a XX second timer before playing an audio alert)
add support to differents icons buffs/debuff size, currently only supports small icons
It would be sweet if you could add an alert for your familiar's HP. Also an alert for aggression flasks.
Last edited by RuneScimitar (2024-06-02 17:56:04)
would it be possible to add it timer for when temporary buffs are about to run out like jujus/incense/auras
EDIT: this is already possible, just choose to set up a basic alert and select buffs
Last edited by kicka (2024-06-23 11:09:54)
A nice feature / change would be an addition to the buff tracker. I can't seem to find a way to make the existing buff tracker (or another app) recognise rising percentages such as the Sprite Focus buff. Alerts for that in particular would be great for Powerbursts of Opportunity, but I'm sure there's other cases.
Is there any chance we could get a feature added that just flashes a red overlay (or whatever color) over the screen instead of playing a sound or whatever? bonus points if you can do both at the same time. I'm a multi-client gamer and although I could look at each client every time a notification pops I would prefer not to, and the workarounds (like creating custom sounds for each client) are rather annoying.
I would peg that as unlikely. You could have your Windows settings to not group windows of the same program together and be able to tell which window is triggering by the icon in the taskbar.