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Supporting RuneApps

RuneApps is completely developed by me (Skillbert). Expanding and maintaining RuneApps and Alt1 has become a large part of my life. Consider donating to support development and server costs.

List of supporters

$10.00_tk: Thanks for fixing Alt1 :)
$50.00Thank you for your hard work. keep it up :)
$10.00what a life saver you are
$11.11Thank you so much for the amazing work! -Raf
$5.00Patrick Martin
$5.00good stuff, so fun for clues!
$5.00Thank you!
$10.00thx for good help
$5.00keep up the good work!
$10.00Thanks for everything you do for RS3. - Zyklop Marco
$10.00Use for my clues, You've made me some serious gp. Thanks guys.
$20.00Hello, im currently working on a small Unity Project, i want to make a small Runescape themed rpg and your RuneApps Cache Tools are more than im asking for. So thanks for the tools. My Discord is Marsi#1337, maybe you can answer some questions. :)
$5.00Appreciate your swift work on the orange chat detection
$10.00Merry xmas