Clue scroll solver
This solver will solve celtic knots, slide puzzles and help with elite clue scans and compass clues. All you have to do is press printscreen on your keyboard, and then paste it into the app using ctrl+v
Not working?
If for any reason this doesn't work you can use the old solvers (slide puzzle or celtic knot)
The clue solver is completely based on pixel data of the puzzle. The display of you computer can vary heavily depending on what graphics settings, drivers and other programs like Flux you might use.
Common problems:
- This solver does not support old school.
- Windows 8.1 and later stretches the Runescape client to make it fit on high pixel density screens, this will also stretch your screenshot and the solver will not work. The Alt1 Toolkit will still work in this case.
- The solver requires you to paste an actual image, do not paste links to images generated by services such as puush or imgur.
- The solver will not work when images are cropped too small, the [x] on a hard slide puzzle is often cropped off in error reports while this is required for the solver to find the puzzle.
- Puzzles often don't work on mac computers, this can not be fixed as the screen pixels differ from user to user.